Seth Meyers Mocks Trump’s Freak-Out Over Fox News Impeachment Poll


“If Trump can’t rely on Fox News to make himself feel better, what can he watch?” the “Late Night” host asked.

Seth Meyers began his latest “A Closer Look” segment on Thursday night by noting that support for President Donald Trump’s impeachment has been steadily rising over the past few weeks.

“It really feels like a potentially seismic political shift is happening right now,” he said, “and in fact, even Fox News, the network Trump loves the most, released a damning new poll” on Wednesday that shows a majority of voters not only want the president impeached but removed from office.

“Damn, and that’s a Fox News poll,” the Late Night host added, “so you know they only called landlines, CB radios, and VFW halls.”

Naturally, Trump did not take the news well, tweeting, “From the day I announced I was running for President, I have NEVER had a good @FoxNews Poll. Whoever their Pollster is, they suck.”

And yet despite Trump’s insistence that his phone call with the Ukrainian president was “perfect,” that Fox News poll shows that the “vast majority of registered voters definitely do not think it was perfect,” Meyers said, digging in below the top-line numbers.

“If Trump can’t rely on Fox News to make himself feel better, what can he watch?” the host asked. “His aides are going to have to replace his TV with a mirror and hope he doesn’t notice.”

“So now that Trump is freaking out about the growing support for impeachment in the polls, he’s throwing as many people as he can under the bus,” Meyers added, noting that he’s tried to “pin the blame” for the Ukraine call on his outgoing Energy Secretary Rick Perry and relied in large part on Rudy Giuliani, “who are famously two of the dumbest people in politics.”

“It’s like if Lex Luthor hatched a plan to kill Superman and chose as his assassins Mr. Bean and Woody from Cheers,” Meyers joked.