Seth Meyers Unloads on Trump’s ‘Demented’ and ‘Fabricated’ Obamagate Scandal


The “Late Night” host compared reading Trump’s Twitter feed to “scrolling through your phone on a flight that’s going through turbulence and seeing your pilot dancing on TikTok.”

“It’s rarely the case that someone as erratic as Donald Trump is able to boil all the venality, corruption and sociopathic incompetence of his presidency down into one single tweet,” Seth Meyers said Monday night. “And yet, over the weekend he came pretty close.”

But as the Late Night host explained, Trump had “lots of chances” given that on Sunday alone he tweeted or retweeted 126 times. “Sounds like it was a great Mother’s Day!” Meyers remarked. “What did he have for breakfast, pancakes covered in Adderall and 10,000 Diet Cokes?”

Meyers went on to say that the president “shouldn’t have the time to tweet that much, even on a normal day, let alone during a crisis as nightmarish as this one.” He compared it to “scrolling through your phone on a flight that’s going through turbulence and seeing your pilot dancing on TikTok.”

Among the most egregious tweets by the president on Sunday was the one in which he “tried to fabricate a totally made-up scandal called ‘Obamagate,’” the host said. “Even for Trump, this was an especially demented weekend on Twitter,” Meyers added. “And that’s saying a lot for a guy whose tweets generally speaking would make more sense written backwards on the door of a hotel room, Shining-style.”

By the end of his “A Closer Look” segment, Meyers was unloading on Trump for “rage-tweeting against his political enemies as a pandemic craters the economy and touches his own White House.”

“And on top of everything else, he’s incapable of summoning even the bare minimum level of empathy for the people affected by the crisis,” the host continued. Quoting Trump’s “latest teletherapy session with Fox & Friends,” he concluded, “We don’t need a test to tell us he’s a ‘sick guy, there’s something wrong with him.’”

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