There’s never a lack of interest in anything Kim Kardashian–related. So when the reality star gave birth to her baby girl on June 15—five weeks earlier than her reported due date—the rumors began to fly. Had the Kardashian clan pulled one over on the unsuspecting public? Was it just another publicity stunt? Did Kanye West, the baby’s father, have anything to do with it? While there are some reports that medical complications led to an early delivery, the Internet needed no proof to start spinning crazy conspiracy theories. Here are a few of the best.

Timed Birth to Kanye’s Record Release
What better way to gin up publicity for Kanye’s new album than for Kim to give birth a day after it leaked? That’s the argument being made by one strand of conspiracy theorists on the web. Kanye insists he isn’t concerned about sales. But, with the world (or at least most of the world) absorbed by the news of little Kimye’s early arrival, the number of people who plunk down cold, hard plastic to purchase Yeezus is sure to rise, these conspiracy theorists say. If only having children worked that way.
Induced Labor Early to Avoid Weight Gain
The last few weeks of pregnancy are the worst. And, given how Kim has built an empire on her looks, it’s not a complete and total stretch to believe she had doctors induce labor early to avoid puffing up any further, according to another group of haters. Everyone wants to get back to their pre-baby body, Kim isn’t any different, and she has the means to make her doctors do her bidding, this theory goes. The supposed proof? A tweet of her in a bikini accompanied by the words “Can’t wait to go back.”
Faked the Due Date for Privacy
Did Kimye throw off their fans, the paparazzi, and the world by intentionally giving a fake due date? The couple announced their baby was expected in mid-July, but since everything Kim does is photo-documented and then catalogued on the World Wide Web, Internet denizens everywhere began wondering if they’d been had.
Lied So The Baby Would Be Associated with Kate Middleton’s
The one baby who could topple little Kimye as the most anticipated birth of the summer is, of course, the offspring of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Kim was reportedly ecstatic that her baby would be born in the same month as Kate Middleton’s and sent the other mommy-to-be a maternity gift, according to The Mirror. In hindsight, mostly anonymous Internet commentators wouldn’t put it past Kim to make it all up for a little more publicity.
Induced Early so the Royal Baby Doesn’t Steal the Spotlight
On the other hand, how much money are pictures of the little Kardashian-West baby worth? Will they still be worth that much if the baby arrives around the same time as Will and Kate’s? Some conspiracy theorists argue that Kim, who has made a career out of ginning up publicity, didn’t want the royal baby to steal the spotlight from her little one. (The media can be so fickle.) Kim had better soak it up now, they say, because once the future heir to the British throne arrives, no one’s going to care about…who were we talking about again?
Lied Out of Embarrassment for Getting Pregnant So Quickly
After being married to Kris Humphries for only 72 days, Kim rebounded rather quickly with Kanye. Once she and Kanye were together, it wasn’t that long until she announced she was pregnant. The pair started dating in August of 2012 and by December they let the world know that they were expecting. An extra month, according to these conspiracy theorists, gave the couple just a little more credibility.
Wanted the Baby Born for Father’s Day
What better present is there for a prospective daddy than to give your unborn child the heave-ho from the womb just in time for Father’s Day? That’s the line of thinking among our last group of commenters who think Kim put the baby at risk for a nefarious reason. What to give the man who has everything, right?