
Shaheen Dares Brown to Sign Pact


Would prevent outside groups from contributing to his NH senate run.

In the race for position as New Hampshire senator, current Democratic senator Jeanne Shaheen has called on Republican challenger Scott Brown to sign the same pact that helped prevent outside groups from contributing millions of dollars to his last campaign, when he successfully ran for Massachusetts senator. “I believe it limited the influence of outside groups and allowed the people’s voices to be heard,” wrote Shaheen in a letter to Brown. Brown is not so sure, though. He said that Shaheen’s current West Coast fundraising efforts are to provide money to third-party groups for negative ads against him. “It's hard to view Jeanne Shaheen's actions as anything other than hypocritical and self-serving,” Brown said. “The people of New Hampshire can see through the Washington-style game she is playing.”

Read it at SF Gate