Shakira Says ‘Barbie’ Movie ‘Emasculated’ Her Sons
The “Hips Don’t Lie” singer said her sons “hated” the ‘Barbie’ movie because pop culture should “empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men.”
Shakira recently shared her thoughts on the Barbiemovie, saying her sons ‘hated’ the film. In a new interview for Allure, the singer said her sons “felt that [the movie] was emasculating,” and she agrees with them to a “certain extent.” She shared that she wants her sons to “feel powerful too,” while also respecting women, before offering her take on how pop culture should represent women’s empowerment. “I like pop culture when it attempts to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide,” she said. “I believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity,” she continued, adding, “Just because a woman can do it all doesn’t mean she should?” Shakira expressed her excitement for the burgeoning power of women in society across the globe, as she also shared with the magazine, “By 2030, 60% of the world’s wealth will be managed by women,” but added, “I think that men have a purpose in society and women have another purpose as well. We complement each other, and that complement should not be lost.”