
Shawna Forde

Suspected serial killer and alleged white supremacist Jason Bush is condemned for the murder of a Mexican-American girl and her father, as the jury rejects attempts to portray him as a head case. Terry Greene Sterling reports.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde's Minutemen American Defense tattoo on her back, representing her organization. Forde created the Minutemen American Defense after falling out of graces with other Minutemen groups, but was working to reform alliances for one common goal. Forde organized a border muster month in October 2008 near Three Points in southern Arizona, near where other Minutemen groups were meeting. Despite Forde's efforts, very few of her members attended the muster and and no illegal immigrants were found by her members. Nonetheless Forde received much media attention from documentarians and foreign media while on the border.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde radios to members of the Minutemen American Defense who have gathered near Three Points in southern Arizona in October 2008.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde walks through the desert in high heels near the Arizona-Mexico border in October 2008.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde looks at an unknown form of identification found in a child's backpack while searching for illegal immigrant's trails in the desert near the US-Mexico border in October 2008.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde searches an abandoned trailer home for illegal immigrants and clues with her gun near the US-Mexico border in 2008. Forde accompanied a documentary videographer and myself through the trailer, preparing for danger with her handgun drawn.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde often wrote about her thoughts, beliefs and updates while on the Arizona-Mexico border in 2008.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde looks for clues in an old jacket while tracking illegal immigrants on the US-Mexico border in October 2008.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde searches for illegal immigrants with binoculars while on the US-Mexico border in Arizona.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde indicates the portion of the border she would like to concentrate on during the muster in October 2008. Arivaca, where Raul and Brisenia Flores were murdered, is directly between her two fingers.

Andrew Ong

Shawna Forde during an interview with international media near the Arizona-Mexico border in October 2008.

Andrew Ong