
SNL Turns Kellyanne Conway Into the Terrifying Clown from ‘It’


There is nothing scarier than Kellyanne Conway spouting lies from a sewer drain.


Last season, Saturday Night Live’s Kellyanne Conway went full Fatal Attraction on CNN anchor Jake Tapper. This week, she transformed into Pennywise, the clown from It.

The sketch began with Alex Moffat’s Anderson Cooper highlighting the hypocrisy of Conway’s latest Trump defense. When his producer suggests having her as a guest, he asks, “Are we that desperate?”

Moments later, he encounters her hiding in the sewer. “Put me on TV,” she begs, promising crazy quotes like, “Puerto Rico actually was worse before Hurricane Maria and the hurricane actually did blow some buildings back together and I don’t know why Elizabeth Warren won’t tweet about that.”

Then, Kate McKinnon’s Conway (aka Kellywise) transforms herself into Hillary Clinton. “It’s me, I’m down in the sewer,” she tells him. “Where did you think I’d be? Michigan or Wisconsin?”

It was almost as scary as Conway’s post-Las Vegas shooting appearance on CNN.