
Stephen Colbert Blows the Whistle on Trump After ‘Promise’ to Foreign Leader


“Thank God Trump never keeps his promises,” the host joked.

“Remember a couple of years ago when Trump first got into office?” Stephen Colbert asked during his Late Show monologue Thursday night. “We were all so nervous that Donald Trump was some sort of sleeper agent who was going to sell America out to a foreign power behind our backs.” 

“Well, it’s Throwback Thursday!” he added before laying out the details of the whistleblower complaint that has just started to come to light this week regarding the president making an unknown “promise” to a foreign leader. 

“Thank God Trump never keeps his promises,” the host joked. “In fact, Eric is still waiting by the front door to go to Disney World.” 

Noting that the intelligence community’s inspector general has legally deemed the complaint a matter of “urgent concern,” Colbert joked that “urgent concern” falls right between “uh oh” and “Chrissy Teigen attack” on the official threat scale. 

In response to the reports, Trump tweeted that it was “another Fake News story” and asked, “is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call[?]” 

“Very good point,” Colbert replied. “What kind of moron would think you would make an inappropriate offer to a foreign country while you’re being recorded?” 

From there, he cut to the tape of Trump asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails during the 2016 election. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press,” he said at the time.