Stephen Colbert Destroys Ivanka Trump for Calling Family Separation a ‘Low Point for Me’


‘Just imagine how upset she’ll be when feds drag away Don Jr.,’ the ‘Late Show’ host joked.


“You know who still exists?” Stephen Colbert asked his viewers Thursday night. Ivanka Trump, who earlier in the day sat down for an interview with Axios’ Mike Allen and “came admirably close to displaying human empathy.”

Among the first daughter and White House adviser’s news-making comments on Thursday was the declaration that her father’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border “was a low point” for her time in his administration.

“But somehow I got through it by saying and doing nothing,” Colbert replied. “And what does she mean by ‘was’ a low point? It’s still happening. That’s like being inside your burning house going, ‘You know when this chair I’m sitting in caught fire? That was a real wake-up call. Do you smell something?’”

After showing another clip of Ivanka Trump expressing how “vehemently against the separation of parents and children she is,” Colbert asked, “Just imagine how upset she’ll be when feds drag away Don Jr.”

In the same interview, Ivanka Trump seemed to laugh off the notion that the press is the “enemy of the people,” as the president has repeatedly stated, confirming that she doesn’t have the same view. Trump later tweeted in response to her comments, “They asked my daughter Ivanka whether or not the media is the enemy of the people. She correctly said no. It is the FAKE NEWS, which is a large percentage of the media, that is the enemy of the people!”

“That clears it up,” Colbert said. “Trump supporters, when you see the media at the next rally make sure you violently threaten only ‘a large percentage’ of them.”

When Ivanka Trump was asked about her “high point” in the White House, she first answered “getting out of Washington” (“What a coincidence, that’s my high point of your job, too,” Colbert said) before answering, more seriously that her “real high moment” was when she “worked really hard” to make Trump’s tax reform bill happen.

“You helped Republicans pass tax reform the way my nephew helps me mow the lawn with his bubble mower,” Colbert said. “Really? What did you do? What do you do?!”