Stephen Colbert Calls Out ‘America Uncanceled’ CPAC for Canceling Speaker


“Conservatives don’t want to be associated with anyone like that,” Colbert said. “It could sully the good name of the mob with aluminum bats trying to murder Mike Pence.”


With the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference just days away, both Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel went in on the organizers of CPAC Tuesday night for using the tagline “America Uncanceled” and then immediately “canceling” one of their featured speakers for openly anti-Semitic tweets.

“It’s a who’s who of ‘who needs that many guns in their rec room?’” Colbert said during his Late Show monologue, in a nod to Donald Trump Jr. “Of course, with all the crises facing our nation, conservatives are focusing on the most pressing issue of all: fascists being kicked off of Twitter.”

Referring to the conference’s big theme, the host declared, “I didn’t know America was canceled! Although, I’m not surprised. The last season was pretty unbelievable. A pandemic and Nazis? OK, pick one, we’ve jumped the shark!”

“According to CPAC, it’s time to stand up for Americans whose views have gotten them ‘canceled,’” he continued, “which is why they kicked things off by canceling an appearance from one of their panelists for a history of making anti-Semitic claims. Good! Conservatives don't want to be associated with anyone like that. It could sully the good name of the mob with aluminum bats trying to murder Mike Pence.”

As Colbert told viewers, CPAC denied any prior knowledge of the rapper Young Pharoah’s “reprehensible” views, which included denying the very existence of Judaism and said he has “no place” at their conference.

“Yes, conservatives would never doubt the existence of Jewish people,” the host concluded. “Otherwise, who’s operating the space laser?!”

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