Stephen Colbert Mocks GOP ‘Morons’ Like Rand Paul Who Tried to Embarrass Fauci


“If there’s one thing out there more contagious than COVID, it’s stupid,” the “Late Show” host said.


After breaking down just how many Americans currently have COVID-19 on The Late Show Tuesday night, Stephen Colbert said, “Of course, the big danger is that COVID has mutated into a political issue.”

He spent the next several minutes covering Dr. Anthony Fauci’s heated testimony on Capitol Hill earlier in the day, during which he once again clashed with his “old nemesis” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and was caught on a hot mic calling another Republican senator a “moron.”

“Get him, Fauch!” Colbert exclaimed after playing the clip of Fauci accusing Paul of “distorting” everything about him. “Take off the gloves and a mask! ‘I have your results, senator, and I regret to inform you that you’ve contracted my boot in your ass.’”

“But if there’s one thing out there more contagious than COVID, it’s stupid,” the host added later.

Specifically, he was referring to Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), who claimed during the hearing that his staff was unable to find Dr. Fauci’s public financial disclosure. “And Fauci let it be known in no uncertain terms that it’s not his fault if the senator doesn’t know how to Google,” Colbert said, before sharing the moment that the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases could be heard uttering, “What a moron,” followed by “Jesus Christ” under his breath.

“And now that clip lives forever on the internet,” he said after he stopped laughing. “The one place where Senator Marshall and his staff will never be able to find it.”

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