
Stephen Colbert Slams Trump for Comparing His TV Ratings to 9/11


The ‘Late Show’ host was not impressed with Trump’s claim that his appearance on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ received the show’s best ratings since the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001.


“It’s a huge week for Donald Trump because this Saturday he will reach 100 days in office, and boy, it sure seems longer.”That’s how Stephen Colbert, the king of late night, opened his latest Late Show monologue—a lengthy affair that broke down President Trump’s first 100 days in office.“The first 100 days are traditionally a time to reflect on accomplishments for a president, and Trump hasn’t got a lot of those,” quipped Colbert. “He still hasn’t filled his Cabinet, he didn’t repeal Obamacare, there are still Muslims. But—and it’s a big but—he did sign a law making it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns and for hibernating bears to be hunted. So he took care of his base: insane people who want to murder Yogi.”

Like any accomplished student, Trump tried to lower expectations for his 100-day grade this past week by tweeting:

The initials “S.C.,” Colbert joked, could mean the Supreme Court—and Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch—or it could mean none other than Stephen Colbert.

“It’s possible! He has been on the show,” the comedian said. “I gotta say, Donald Trump has done a lot for me in his first 100 days. Thank you for your service, Mr. President. And now I feel dirty.”

To commemorate his first 100 days in office, Trump sat down for an interview with the Associated Press and it was… a rambling, largely incoherent mess. It was so garbled that, in the transcript of the interview, the reporter wrote 16 times that the answer Trump gave was “unintelligible.”

Furthermore, Trump—as is his wont—bragged about his ratings on CBS’s Face the Nation, claiming that his appearance received the highest ratings for the show since “the World Trade Center came down.”“I have, seem to get very high ratings. I definitely. You know Chris Wallace had 9.2 million people, it’s the highest in the history of the show. [CBS Face the Nation host] Dickerson had 5.2 million people,” said Trump. “It’s the highest for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage.”

It’s particularly odd for Trump to invoke the 9/11 terror attacks considering that he has lied repeatedly about the events of that day—claiming to have seen thousands of Muslims celebrating the towers falling (they didn’t), that he personally helped clean up the rubble (he didn’t), that he saw people jumping from the towers from his apartment in Midtown Manhattan (not possible), you name it. If that weren’t enough, Trump reportedly failed to visit the 9/11 Memorial until the eve of the New York primary, in order to curry favor with voters, and the only donation that his Donald J. Trump Charitable Foundation made to a 9/11-related charity prior to his running for president was $1,000 to the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Fund—a bizarre outfit that promotes Scientology’s “Purification Rundown,” which has come under fire from the medical community.

“Mr. President, I know you’re proud of your ratings, but… how do I say this: It’s not normally a good thing to compare yourself to 9/11. You know that, right?” asked Colbert.

Then, the late-night host began imitating Trump: “My first hundred days have been huge. Titanic, OK? We’re blowin’ up, OK? Bigger than anything since Nagasaki. That’s how big.”

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