White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller pushed white-nationalist materials on staffers at the right-wing website Breitbart in the runup to the 2016 presidential election, leaked emails obtained by the Southern Poverty Law Center show. Katie McHugh, a former Breitbart writer who was fired in 2017 over her anti-Muslim tweets and then later renounced by the far right, told SPLC that Miller was introduced to her to help shape her coverage at the site. Throughout their correspondence, Miller promoted racist ideas, sending her links from the white-nationalist website VDARE and recommending The Camp of the Saints, a French novel popular among neo-Nazis for its perpetuation of the “white genocide” myth. McHugh also told SPLC that in July 2015 Miller suggested she use information from an article on the white-nationalist website American Renaissance about interracial crime. In another email to McHugh, Miller criticized the removal of Confederate monuments and flags after mass shooter Dylann Roof opened fire on a South Carolina church, killing nine people.