Senior White House adviser Stephen Miller says leaked emails that showed him promoting stories from white nationalist groups were simply evidence of him being “pro-American.” In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Trish Regan late Friday, Miller went on the offensive over a letter that 25 Jewish Democratic members of Congress sent to the president calling for Miller’s resignation over his white nationalist views. The move comes after emails leaked last month showed Miller, before he took on the role of White House adviser, sharing links with a former Breitbart News editor that included articles from VDARE, a white nationalist site that has been deemed a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. “There’s nothing wrong in any of my emails, there’s nothing wrong in anything I said, unless being proud to be American and standing up for American citizens is a crime,” Miller told Regan of the letter. For today’s Democratic Party, he said, “being pro-American … is a thought crime.” He went on to claim the letter calling for his ouster was an attempt by Democrats to “cover up the fact that there is … this vein of anti-Semitism that pulses through the Democratic Party.”