U.S. News

Steve Kerr Reacts to Parkland, Florida School Shooting: ‘Nothing Has Been Done’


“It doesn't seem to matter to our government that children are being shot to death day after day in schools.”

Raj Mehta/USA TODAY Sports

Golden State Warriors Coach spoke out on Wednesday about the scourge of school shootings in this country—including Monday's massacre in south Florida that resulted in the deaths of 17 people. “Nothing has been done,” Kerr said. “It doesn't seem to matter to our government that children are being shot to death day after day in schools.” Kerr also said it’s “demoralizing” that politicians haven’t acted in concrete ways to prevent the incidents from happening. “We can do something about it. We can vote people in who actually have the courage to protect people’s lives and not just bow down to the NRA because they’ve financed their campaign,” Kerr added. He also criticized President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall, calling it “stupid.”