A couple of weeks back, I had the pleasure of talking to Brian Shaw for the better part of an hour. In case his name does not immediately ring a bell, Shaw is the four-time winner of the official World’s Strongest Man competition. He has won more than 25 international strongman competitions overall and, long story short here, let’s just leave it at this: he’s a very strong and highly accomplished human being.
So, when I found out that Shaw and I had some things in common, it was quite heartening. That common ground? Aside from sharing the same birth year, he and I also lack the ability to tear T-Rex Tape. That’s right, during the course of our conversation, Brian Shaw and I talked about the tape. He had tested the stuff out and, along with not being able to tear the tape crosswise (lengthwise, it rips apart into clean, precise strips), he had also used the tape to pull a firetruck. Because, of course.

My experience with T-Rex Tape, which is called T-Rex Ferociously Strong Tape, for the record, is decidedly less colorful than pulling a fire truck, which weighs on average some 50,000 pounds, but it has been perhaps more relatable. I’ve been using the stuff as my go-to tape around the house for the better part of two years now, and in that time, I have used it to:
- Patch a hole in a garden hose
- Jury-rig the shoulder strap on a child’s bike seat
- Repair a crack on a wet-dry vacuum
- Secure a shelving unit
But there’s more... Whenever a kid’s “maker’s space” project needs a quick bit of reinforcing or patching up? T-Rex Tape. Garbage or grocery bag starting to tear? T-Rex Tape! Existential crisis as another year rolls past and so little seems to change yet so much is different when you look closely at your life? T-REX TAPE!
OK, granted, this ferociously strong tape probably can’t patch up any ontological dread you’re dealing with, but man, it sure can help out with those little projects around the house! And it can indeed be secured to your waste and used to pull large vehicles.