And you thought the real version was scary.
On Tuesday, Disney World will unveil an animatronic version of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. The robot Trump will stand next to other American presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, and George Washington, who introduces Trump, as part of the Mouse House’s Hall of Presidents attraction.
The Disney-centric website WDWMagic posted a video on Monday of robot Trump’s Disney speech, wherein he says:
“From the beginning, America has been a nation defined by its people. At our founding, it was the American people who rose up to defend our freedoms and win our independence. It was why our Founders began our great Constitution with three very simple words: We the people. Since that moment, each generation of Americans has taken its place in the defense of our freedom, our flag, and our nation under God.
“These are the achievements of the American spirit—the spirit of a people who fought and died to bring the blessings of liberty to all our people. Above all, to be an American is to be an optimist, to believe that we can always do better and that the best days of our great nation are still ahead of us. It’s a privilege to serve as the president of the United States, to stand here among so many great leaders of our past, and to work on behalf of the American people.”
I guess “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy, you can do anything,” was a bit too racy for Disney World—though it did, until 2007, host a very bizarre (and tasteless) casting couch gag.
Robot Trump resembles the Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight in a wig. Voight, if you recall, is an ardent Trump supporter despite the fact that, in his reality TV-hosting days, Trump said a variety of sexist and nasty things about the actor’s daughter, Angelina Jolie. It also looks like a hybrid Hillary/Trump bot, as if the Disney designers, expecting her to win, began crafting a Hillary Clinton robot and then later modified it to look like Trump.
But mostly, robot Trump is creepy as hell.
And yes, for those wondering: That is Trump’s real voice coming out of the robot’s mouth.
“As has been the tradition with every new president since the attraction debuted, an Audio-Animatronics figure of President Donald J. Trump has been added to the show and features the latest advances in technology that enable smoother and more lifelike movements. President Trump personally recorded remarks exclusively for The Hall of Presidents, just as each sitting president has done for the attraction since the early 1990s,” according to Disney.
Let’s just hope this robot doesn’t become self-aware. The world can barely handle one Donald J. Trump.