
Terror Suspect Was on Canadian Idol


Moonwalked, sang Avril Lavigne in his audition.


Khuram Sher was arrested on Thursday as part of a Canadian terrorism investigation, but it’s not the first that Canada has heard of him. According to the Toronto Star, Sher tried out for Canadian Idol—and his unfortunate audition was included on the show. In the audition, Sher sings Avril Lavigne’s “Complicated” in a flat tone while moonwalking around the stage. One judge told him it was “genuine crap singing,” though another at least complimented his dance moves. He appeared on the show in traditional Pakistani garb and spoke with an accent, saying he’s been in Canada for just a couple of years, but a source tells the Star that he was in fact Canadian-born and a graduate of McGill University. Two other people arrested in the investigation are suspected of trying to form a terror cell in Ottawa.

Read it at The Star