
The ADL and Huma Abedin


Sometimes, the ADL gets it right. Last Thursday I wrote a piece for Open Zion asking why the Anti Defamation League had not yet responded to Michelle Bachmann's unfounded accusation that Huma Abedin was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. But the next day, it published a press release which condemned Bachmann's letter and quoted ADL officials:

“These sweeping accusations by members of Congress against American citizens who are Muslim are unfair and misguided,” said Robert G. Sugarman, ADL National Chair and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “Absent clear evidence of direct ties between these individuals and the Muslim Brotherhood, such allegations foment fear and cast the kind of suspicion that undermines rather than advances American counterterrorism efforts."

Although the ADL has a mixed record in the battle against Islamophobia, its statement is a welcome sign that the organization is embracing the full spirit of its mission to fight bigotry in all of its forms.

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