
The Best Long Reads in Business and Finance for the Week of April 27

From iPhone cops to left-wing economists in central Mass, The Daily Beast brings you the best in business and economics journalism from the week of April 27.

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Undercover Police Stings Target Front Lines Of Stolen iPhone MarketGerry Smith, Huffington Post

Seventh and Market Street in San Francisco might be the geographic center of the tech world. It’s also “San Francisco’s primary open-air market for stolen electronics,” and now it’s crawling with cops pretending to fence stolen iPhones.

What If We Never Run Out of Oil?Charles Mann, The Atlantic

Is the energy source of the future trapped underneath the sea floor? The promise and perils of methane hydrates

Thrown for a Curve in Rhode IslandMatt Bai, The New York Times

After Curt Schilling’s ended his baseball career, he became well known for his conservative politics. Now he’s at the center of a state-run boondoggle that funded his failed video games company

How Ray Kurzweil Will Help Google Make the Ultimate AI BrainSteven Levy, Wired

What is the chief evangelist for artificial intelligence doing at the most powerful and innovative technology company in the world?

Inside the offbeat economics department that debunked Reinhart-RogoffDylan Matthews, Washington Post

In 1973, economist Samuel Bowles was denied tenure at Harvard. Along with four fellow radical economists, he moved to U-Mass Amherst and founded the most important heterodox economics department in the country which last week scored its biggest victory – against two Harvard economists.

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