The Loneliness of Vladimir PutinJulia Ioffe, The New RepublicHe crushed his opposition but has nothing to show for it but a country that’s falling apart.
A Valuable ReputationRachel Aviv, The New YorkerAfter Tyrone Hayes said a chemical was harmful, its maker pursued him.
This Land Was Your LandChristopher Ketcham, The American ProspectIn Utah and other western state, the country’s most pristine wilderness faces new threats from Big Energy and its powerful allies.
The Office of the FutureJay Monaco, JacobinA view inside C&S Wholesale Grocers, America’s secret corporate empire, home to the future of white-collar exploitation.
A Failed Televangelist Exorcised My Demons Over SkypeScott Bixby, The Daily BeastBob Larson has performed more than 20,000 exorcisms over the past 30 years. Now, he’s using Skype to target Satan—and easy marks for his buck-raking ministry.
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