Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg kicked off the first of his two-day Congressional testimony on Tuesday afternoon, when he was grilled by 44 senators on his company’s practrices. The tech billionaire was brought to Capitol Hill to answer for his company's massive data breach by Cambridge Analytica, which improperly gathered personal information on up to 87 million Facebook users ahead of the 2016 U.S. elections.
This is Zuckerberg's first time back on the Hill since 2010 and the CEO, who is notoriously press- and camera-shy, was forced to awkwardly answer questions from lawmakers, not all of whom had a great understanding of how the social network or broader internet works.
Twitter users had a field day during Zuck's testimony, and jokes and memes quickly flooded the platform after Zuckerberg took the hot seat.
Many began retweeting an old tweet of Zuckerberg's from 2009 saying simply, "This is neat."
Several soon-to-be iconic shots of Zuckerberg in his chair in front of a wall of photographers also made the rounds and quickly became a meme.
Some reporters on the scene live-emoji'd Zuckerberg's facial expression.
Other users poked fun at the fact that Zuckerberg repeatedly emphasized that Facebook was founded in his Harvard dorm room.
And lots of people compared Zuckerberg's testimony to the 2010 movie The Social Network or joked about its golden days.
Some poked fun at the senators themselves, many of whom didn't quite seem to understand how the social network, or the internet, works.
And many other Twitter users simply live-joked and memed their way through all the awkwardness.