The People’s Convoy Can’t Stop Their Own Dogs From Peeing on Their Food
They claim to be working to stop vaccine mandates, but now their attention has turned territorial, hoping to just stop their dogs from destroying their food supply.
Many things have given the People’s Convoy problems, from Beltway commuters flipping them off to their vehicles breaking down on the interstate to legislators on Capitol Hill not meeting with them. But now, in California, they have a new issue on their hands: Their own dogs are urinating on their food. “I do have to do something about the dogs,” trucker Ron Coleman, who goes by the alias Grey Wolf, said over the weekend. “I am trying to figure out how to be sensitive enough to let the people with the dogs know that their dogs are peeing on our food.” “We caught male dogs peeing on it,” he continued while stressing that “food has to be thrown away” that was urinated on by the canines at their makeshift camp. “We cannot have the dogs where we are keeping the food.” Following Coleman’s declaration, members of the convoy at the campsite were left to argue over where dogs at the camp should and shouldn’t be allowed to roam. Since leaving the Washington, D.C., area, the anti-COVID-19 vaccine convoy has drastically become smaller, with most losing interest after accomplishing very little besides burning fuel.