
The Real Reason Milo Yiannopoulos Left Kanye’s Campaign


All appeared to be going well between Kanye West and Milo Yiannopoulos—that is, until Nick Fuentes showed up.

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

Kanye West seems more unhinged than ever before—and that’s saying something. And with Milo Yiannopoulos now booted from Kanye’s orbit, the only person who’s really winning is white nationalist Nick Fuentes, says host Will Sommer on this week’s episode of Fever Dreams.

According to Sommer, who spoke “to people who talk to Kanye and are around him,” one theory why Yiannopoulos left is, in part, because “Nick was perhaps gaining too much influence over Kanye.”

“This kind of train wreck keeps on rolling and it really is such a bizarre thing to see. My sense is that even more right-wing characters are going to be brought in here and really the only person who’s winning here I would say is Nick Fuentes, who actually is already so vocally antisemitic in a way that some of these other figures are not. He’s absolutely thrilled by this whole thing,” Sommer said.

Then, Jim Small, editor in chief of the Arizona Mirror, catches us up to speed on Arizona’s election.

“Arizona is increasingly purple and we’ve seen that in the last set of cycles what was once the rock-ribbed conservative home of Barry Goldwater and was just a deep red state is now—because of changing demographics and people moving in and the Latino population coming of age and registering to vote and becoming more politically active–definitely is becoming more purple.

“In 2022, I don’t think that there’s really any other conclusion to reach other than the fact that Republicans, at least at the statewide level, put up a whole slate of election-denying pro-Trump MAGA candidates and Arizona voters in particular, Republican Arizona voters, a portion of them, are just sick of that. They don’t want those candidates to get elected and they crossed party lines and either held their nose and voted for Democrats or they decided to skip those races altogether, which gave Democrats an advantage and let them win some of the most highly competitive and really highly contested races.”

Then, in the podcast’s “Fresh Hell” segment, the hosts discuss QAnon leader Phil Godlewski’s criminal past—which involves an inappropriate relationship with a minor that police records suggest turned sexual.

When his local newspaper reported on this last year, Godlewski was infuriated and raised roughly $30,000 from his fans to sue the paper. The publication fought back, and now Godlewski has put his conspiracy-theory career at risk by inadvertently prompting the release of more details regarding his case, including lurid text messages and a video of his erect penis.

“There’s this irony here, which is this: QAnon people are always on the hunt for pedophiles and now this QAnon guy turns out to have this past with this corruption of a minor charge,” Sommer, who broke the story for The Daily Beast, said.

“I love the poetic irony of a QAnon guy being involved in this and also suing this newspaper and in fact, revealing far more than I think he wanted to.”

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