Third Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick: He Doesn’t Belong on Supreme Court
Julie Swetnick speaks on camera for the first time since accusations emerged.
The third woman to publicly accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has spoken on camera for the first time since going public, and says she doesn’t think Kavanaugh “belongs” on the Supreme Court based on her experiences. The brief clip saw MSNBC’s John Heilemann question accuser Julie Swetnick for his Showtime series The Circus. “Brett Kavanaugh is going for a seat where he’s going to have that seat on the Supreme Court for the rest of his life,” she said. “If he’s going to have that seat legitimately, all of these things should be investigated. From what I experienced firsthand, I don’t think he belongs on the Supreme Court. I just want the facts to come out and I want it to be just and I want the American people to have those facts and judge for themselves.” She went on to say she didn’t want the accusation to come out a day before fellow accuser Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary panel, saying: “Circumstances brought it out that way.”