
This Is the Best Game Since Cards Against Humanity


Gameplay is a lot like the 2011 cult-favorite Cards Against Humanity—but all of the answer cards are actually mini white boards.

Photo Illustration: Scouted/The Daily Beast/Amazon

Scouting Report: Puns of Anarchy takes everything you love about Cards Against Humanity and puts it into the players' hands. The cards are whiteboards that players use to create their own answers.

I remember the very first time I played Cards Against Humanity. I was at a college party hosted by a friend of a friend, and even though I didn’t know a single person around that coffee table, I sat down and joined in; within minutes, we were all roaring with laughter like lifelong buddies. Round two was just as good, so I was thrilled to see the game at basically every party I went to that year. By round 67, it’d kind of lost its magic, and for almost a decade now, I’ve been actively searching for a great, new adult party game that’s not Cards Against Humanity. Well, I’ve finally found it.

Puns of Anarchy

It’s called Puns of Anarchy, and it’s downright brilliant. (In fact, when it launched on Kickstarter in 2020, it raised almost $150,000.) A friend brought it to a small, socially distanced barbecue at my house this summer, but because I was cooking, I couldn’t join in. That didn’t stop me from burning the food, though; I was so immersed in watching the gameplay, I forgot all about dinner. I bought my own copy that night.

Basically, it works the same way Cards Against Humanity does, but with an open-ended twist: You have a purple category card that you put in the middle, green answer cards that players play at their own discretion, and a rotating judge who chooses their favorite. The brilliant part? All of the answer cards are actually mini dry-erase boards, so you can change the card however you want in order to make it clever, relevant, hilarious, or dirty.

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