
Tom Cruise Unloads on ‘Mission: Impossible 7’ Crew for COVID Breach in Leaked Audio


The star and producer of “Mission: Impossible 7” can be heard dressing down the London crew in an expletive-filled on-set rant.


Tom Cruise’s mission has apparently been compromised and he is pissed.

In an audio recording first posted to The Sun website on Tuesday, the movie star can be heard aggressively going off on the London crew for the seventh installment in his Mission: Impossible series for allegedly breaking strict COVID-19 protocols.

“If I see you do it again, you’re fucking gone!” Cruise screams on the tape after reportedly spotting two crew members standing within six feet of each other. “And if anyone in this crew does it, that’s it. And you too and you too. And you, don’t you ever fucking do it again.”

“They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us,” he added. “We are creating thousands of jobs, you motherfuckers. That’s it. No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their fucking homes because our industry is shut down. “

"We are not shutting this fucking movie down, is it understood?” he asked to stunned silence. “If I see it again, you’re fucking gone.”

After suggesting that he has the “future of this fucking industry” in his hands, Cruise said, “So I’m sorry, I’m beyond your apologies. I have told you and now I want it and if you don’t do it, you’re out! We are not shutting this fucking movie down! Is it understood?”

Mission: Impossible 7 was shooting in Venice, Italy this past February when the coronavirus pandemic first hit that country. At the time, they were forced to shut down production and just resumed a few months ago when the actor spent more than $600,000 of his own money to house the crew on a retired cruise ship. Filming was suspended again in mid-October after a reported outbreak amongst the crew.

Cruise’s outrage may have been in service of a noble cause this time, but those who have worked closely with the world’s most famous Scientologist in the past have described the experience as terrifying.

“I was so scared of Tom,” actress Thandie Newton said recently of her time on the set of Mission: Impossible 2. “He was a very dominant individual. He tries super hard to be a nice person. But the pressure. He takes on a lot. And I think he has this sense that only he can do everything as best as it can be done.”

Earlier this year, ex-Scientologist Leah Remini told The Daily Beast that Cruise has “gotten away with being this ‘nice guy,’ because that’s what Scientology policy says—to create good PR in the world and make those ‘good actions’ known.”

“But if you actually look at his actions, they’re not consistent,” she added. “When I was in Scientology I got in trouble in Scientology for saying, ‘Why is this guy the poster child for Scientology? He can’t keep a fuckin’ marriage together, he’s jumping on couches, he’s acting like he knows anything about postpartum.’ I learned pretty quickly that that’s not something you should be doing, because Tom Cruise is considered a messiah in Scientology.”

“This is a man who has not even seen his own daughter in years,” Remini continued. “That this guy can be running around and having people think he’s this super-nice guy, I don’t get it. But that’s the Hollywood-bullshit game people play.”