Let’s be real: hand washing is absolutely non-negotiable in 2020, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that washing your hands for at least 20 seconds is one of the best ways to protect yourself against COVID-19.
And since more frequent handwashing calls for more soap, this means you’re definitely going to be touching that soap dispenser pump all day long. This, of course, can allow you to go through soap quickly, and lead you to wonder how clean your soap dispenser pump actually is, especially if you are like me and forget to wipe it down often.
Touchless soap dispensers claim to be a fast fix to this problem. and since handwashing is a must these days, I decided to give the Secura Premium Touchless Battery Operated Electric Automatic Soap Dispenser a try. This dispenser controls how much soap you use (which is great for soap wasters like me), and prevents you from touching the soap dispenser at the same time.
When it comes to setup, I’ll admit that setting up this touchless soap dispenser requires patience, as you’ll need a small screwdriver to open the battery compartment. Once the batteries were finally secured in, and the screws were put back into place, I proceeded to add almost all of the 42oz bottle of liquid hand soap I had into the container lid, and seal it shut with the unit’s twist-on cap, which was fantastic for preventing soap spills and for keeping moisture out to prevent clogs.
Now about that dispensing. Let me start off by saying it can be hard to find your ‘soap norm’ at first, as the unit’s adjustable dial is on the trickier side. Figuring it out took me a minute or so, until the helpful product instructions revealed that rotating the dial towards the bottom increases or decreases the amount of soap dispensed.
With the flu season right around the corner, this Secura touchless soap dispenser can come in handy, especially if you have little ones, or are looking to not touch as many surfaces. After all, if you are a lazy cleaner like me (I’ll never judge), this will make cleaning the bathroom sink a whole lot easier going forward.
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