
Travel to Tangier’s Most Fabulous Homes


Long a destination associated with eclectic wonder, Tangier is in a new era of amazing homes and gardens.


We love the photographer Guido Taroni (see his work in a book on designer Mongiardino) and so we at Beast Travel have been voyeurs hungrily wondering what his trips lately to Tangiers would turn into.

Thus we're delighted that the latest selection for Just Booked, our feature highlighting new and exciting travel-related coffee table books is Inside Tangier: Houses & Gardens put together by Nicolò Castellini Baldissera with photographs by Taroni.


Inside Tangier: Houses & Gardens

The homes, gardens, and rooms documented are mouth-wateringly beautiful—from the verdant dream created by Umberto Pasti and Stephan Janson at Tebarak Allah to the jaw-dropping view of the Strait of Gibraltar from El Foolk, the home of Christopher Gibbs and Peter Hinwood.

All make you desperate to be friends with these chic designers, and all convince you that the joy many get just from walking the streets of Tangier is a blissful ignorance as they'll rarely get to see the kaleidoscopic wonders arrayed behind the often simple street doors.

Inside Tangier: Houses & Gardens by Nicolò Castellini Baldissera. Photographs by Guido Taroni. Published by Vendome Press. (On Amazon for $52.50)

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