On Thursday night, Trevor Noah called the teenagers who walked out of their schools and marched against gun violence this week “one of the most amazing things” he’s ever seen.
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson feels differently.
On his show the night before, Carlson asked why kids who are “too young to be buying guns” should be allowed to “make [his] gun laws.” When his guest noted that “as citizens” they have a right to an opinion on the issue, Carlson shot back, “They’re not citizens, they’re children!”
“Wow, now American teens aren’t even citizens?” the Daily Show host asked in response. “I guess in Tucker’s mind, you’re Mexican until you turn 18. Is that how it works? And then you smash your piñata and Social Security numbers fall out.”
“And secondly, get the fuck out of here man,” Noah continued. “If kids are old enough to be shot, they’re old enough to have an opinion about being shot.”
Last month, Carlson helped promote the conspiracy theories surrounding the Parkland, Florida, students. “They are using these kids in a kind of moral blackmail,” he said at the time of gun-safety advocates, “where you are not allowed to disagree or you are attacking the child.”