The backlash from meeting with a white nationalist and antisemitic rapper apparently hasn’t left Donald Trump wary of palling around with visitors to his Mar-a-Lago estate. On Tuesday evening, he spoke at, and praised attendees of, a far-right fundraiser at which QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories were on full display. “Tonight I had the privilege and honor to speak at America’s Future fundraiser to combat child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago,” prominent QAnon influencer Liz Crokin wrote on Telegram, adding that she spoke about the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Naturally, Trump soaked up the attention. “You are incredible people, you are doing unbelievable work, and we just appreciate you being here, and we hope you’re going to be back,” Trump was filmed telling attendees. A Trump campaign spokesperson didn’t return The Daily Beast’s request for comment on Wednesday. However, a longtime adviser previously told The Daily Beast that Trump views QAnon as a “controversial” topic and believes it’s an opportunity to “gin up outrage.”