
Tucker Echoes the Kremlin and Tries to Tie in Hunter Biden With a Supposed Ukrainian Bioweapons Lab


Russian state media had pushed the same idea hours earlier, but the Fox News host insisted “You’re not a ‘Russian agent’ repeating ‘discredited Putin talking points’ if you ask.”

Tucker Carlson on Thursday amplified a story from the right-wing website National Pulse alleging that a Hunter Biden-linked firm funded research into pathogens at a Ukrainian bioweapons lab – the same baseless theory that Russian state media had pushed earlier in the day.

Carlson treated the article in his typical “just asking questions” fashion. That Russia has a history of peddling disinformation about “bioweapons” didn’t prevent him from going down this road once more.

“What are the outlines of that story? We’re not sure. But we know it’s legitimate to ask what it means. Why wouldn’t it be? You’re not a ‘Russian agent’ repeating ‘discredited Putin talking points’ if you ask. You’re a good citizen,” the Fox News host said, mocking those who have criticized him for spouting Russia-friendly lines and pointed out that his show has been cited approvingly on Russian state television.


Carlson introduced this segment by discussing Victoria Nuland, a state department official who testified before the Senate recently about the existence of biological research facilities in Ukraine and how the U.S. is working to prevent the Russians from gaining control of them. This, apparently, became quite suspicious to many on the right, even though what Nuland said was not revelatory at all. (On Tuesday night’s show, Carlson also described Nuland as “totally anti-American” and called for her ouster.)

“The experience did get us thinking: What is the truth here?” said Carlson, who earlier this month earned a ‘four Pinocchio’ rating for his comments about biolabs, according to a Washington Post fact-check.

“What we are shocked by is the Biden Administration’s willingness to attack anyone who presses them for answers as an agent of a hostile foreign power. ‘Get out of our way or we will accuse you of treason.’ That’s over the top. That’s their m.o. – not just the White House, but the toadies in the press corps who do their bidding,” Carlson said, echoing his prior criticisms of reporters covering the Russian war against Ukraine, some perhaps on his own network.