It’s official: Twitter verification is just an $8 monthly payment away. The app’s latest update offers Twitter Blue users the chance to receive an elusive—for now— blue checkmark, days after new owner Elon Musk publicly pondered the price people would be willing to pay. “Power to the people: Your account will get a blue checkmark, just like the celebrities, companies, and politicians you already follow,” the update says. Although Twitter verification has previously existed to prevent people from impersonating public figures and to legitimize journalists and companies, the blue checkmark is now a free-for-all (well, $8-a-month for all). It’s not clear yet when checkmarks will begin appearing on subscribing accounts.
Twitter’s $8 Verification Is Officially Here
With a new Twitter update, Twitter Blue users officially have the ability to get a blue checkmark for $7.99 a month.
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