An anesthesiologist at UCLA who refused to get vaccinated filmed himself being kicked off the premises on Monday for trying to enter while unvaccinated, the Los Angeles Times reports. Dr. Christopher B. Rake, an outspoken opponent of the vaccine and founder of contrarian group Citizens United for Freedom, painted himself out to be a martyr as he was escorted out by three people. “This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes,” he said. UCLA Health said in August they would require all employees to be vaccinated by Sept. 30 and those who weren’t would face “progressive discipline, including restricting access to worksites and being placed on leave.”
Rake claimed he is willing to lose “everything—job, paycheck, freedom, even my life” just to rail against a safe and free vaccine that would protect the lives of the vulnerable patients he encounters every day.
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