U.S. News

U.S. Capitol Shooting: Gunman Called Himself 'Prophet of God' in Previous Incident


Larry Dawson of Tennessee was arrested last year for shouting in the House. On Monday, he was shot by a cop inside the visitors center.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Larry Russell Dawson of Antioch, Tennessee has been reportedly identified as the man who allegedly drew a gun at the Capitol Visitors Center on Monday.

At a press conference outside the Capitol, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosa said the suspect “drew what appeared to be a weapon and pointed it at officers” during routine screening at the visitors center at 2:38 p.m. One officer fired and struck the suspect, who is undergoing surgery at the hospital. His condition is unknown. A weapon was recovered at the scene.

Verderosa would not confirm or deny the suspect’s identity as Dawson, but said the perpetrator was known to police thanks to a previous incident at the Capitol. On Oct. 22, 2015, Dawson yelled “I’m a prophet of God” from the balcony of the House of Representatives.

Dawson allegedly ran from cops and resisted arrest, according to a police report exclusively obtained by The Daily Beast. Cops cuffed him for assaulting a police officer and unlawful conduct at the Capitol. The Washington Post reports that Dawson missed a court appearance in November, writing a letter to the court that said, "I have been called chosen and sent unto you this day. I am not under the law!. . .Therefore I will not comply with the court order, nor will I surrender myself to your office.”

— Additional reporting by Betsy Woodruff from Washington, D.C.