The U.S. women’s soccer team’s record-breaking victory Tuesday in the World Cup is fueling support for the athletes’ quest for equal pay. The 13-0 win over Thailand prompted reminders on social media that many members of the men’s team make more than the women, who filed suit against the U.S. Soccer Federation in March to fight for equal pay. Among those calling for parity was Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who tweeted: “Here’s an idea: If you win 13-0—the most goals for a single game in World Cup history—you should be paid at least equally to the men’s team.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren also highlighted the inequity:
The @USWNT is #1 in the world & contributes higher revenues for @USSoccer than the men’s team, but they’re still paid a fraction of what the men earn. Women deserve equal pay for equal (or better!) work in offices, factories, AND on the soccer field.