
This Acne Solution Developed by Two Cardiologists and One Dermatologist Is 25% Off This Prime Day

Veri Good

Save 25% on VERI's Acne Treatment System during Amazon Prime Days.

A smiling woman wearing a white tank top and headband.
Cheyenne Doig, Unsplash

Skincare is constantly being innovated, with new tools, molecules, and compounds hitting the market every week. One exciting new product to address breakouts and uneven skin is nitric oxide, which has only recently been developed into an acne-fighting treatment from VERI’s Acne Treatment System.

What is Nitric Oxide?

Nitric oxide is a naturally occurring compound of nitrogen and oxygen that plays a vital role in your health. Imagine you're out for a walk. As you start moving, your body needs more oxygen. Nitric oxide (NO), facilitates this by making your blood vessels enlarge so blood can flow more freely. NO also tells your body to release hormones like endorphins that keep you feeling good and your energy up. Plus, it assists your brain in sending messages to your muscles, telling them to keep going. Without NO, simple movements like walking, running, or even raising your hand would be exceedingly difficult.

Maintaining and increasing levels of NO is something that performance-focused athletes are particularly interested in. With all the benefits NO has inside the body, doctors were curious if NO had just as many benefits outside of the body.

The founders of VERI—Dr. Tienush Rassaf (Cardiologist), Dr. Ingo Stoffels (Dermatologist), and Dr. Christian Fach (Cardiologist)—were determined to find NO's full potential. The trio didn't set out to create a skincare brand. However, years of work led them to discover that nitric oxide can stimulate growth of collagen (keeps you looking young), regulate inflammation, repair damaged skin, improve the skin barrier, and protect against UV-radiation. Through this steadfast research VERI was born.

Skincare Superstar

VERI Acne Treatment System
Price reflects 25% Prime Day discount.

VERI’s Acne Treatment System delivers nitric oxide via a clever two-part system; there is a serum and an activator, simply pump one of each on your fingers and mix. This creates the nitric oxide and ensures it has maximum potency. Apply the activated solution when you wake up and before going to bed for the most effectiveness. In addition to all of the discovered benefits of NO, this formula addresses the causes of acne at their source, like regulating sebum (oil) production which can clog pores and killing bacteria known to cause acne. VERI touts its Acne Treatment System reduces pimples and skin impurities by more than 30% in as little as 28 days without negative side effects like skin irritation or dryness. Now is the perfect time to order too. The Acne Treatment System is 25% off for Amazon Prime Days.

Close up of a man's face to show improvement in his acne.

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