U.S. News

Watch a Huge Shark Eat a Smaller Shark


‘I’m sitting here looking down and see a shark coming up, and next thing you know, it’s just—all heck breaks loose.’

J. Russ-Silsby/istockphoto

It’s a shark-eat-shark world out there.

In a video posted to YouTube last Wednesday, Florida resident Pete Hinck recorded a large shark eating another shark off the Florida coast near Fort Pierce.

Hinck, who goes by the name “Palm Beach Pete” on YouTube, was fishing on his paddleboard when one of his two kayaking comrades K.C. Gonsalves caught a small shark.

After reeling in the fish for a while, Gonsalves prepared to let the shark go, but then a huge bull shark attacked the smaller shark, ripping it in half.

“I’m sitting here looking down and see a shark coming up, and next thing you know, it’s just— all heck breaks loose,” says Hinck in the video. “This thing comes out out of nowhere and just rips this shark in half.”

The trio of fishermen made it back to shore safely. Hinck recorded most of the encounter with two GoPro cameras, and as of today the video has more than 400,000 views on Youtube.

“That was a crazy day out there man,” Hinck says at the end of the video. “Saw something I’d never seen before.”

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