
When Does the Jewish Holiday of Passover Begin?


Jews start Passover this week, a holiday which celebrates the miracle of freedom. Here’s what it’s all about.


In 2017, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins with the first seder on Monday, April 10, at sundown. The second seder will take place the following night, Tuesday, April 11, at sundown.

Passover is an eight-day festival commemorating the emancipation of Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Families worldwide indulge in wine and matzah bread while retelling the story of Exodus.

Passover is one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays, so preparation is key for the occasion. Families celebrate the eight days with two “seders.”


A seder is a 15-step, family-oriented tradition with a ritual-packed ceremonial dinner and various prayers. Attendees read the re-telling of the Passover story from a book called the Haggadah. During the time of passover, observers restrain from eating or having chametz (leaven grained food and drinks) in their homes.

The celebration ends on Tuesday, April 18, at sundown with a large feast which features matzah and wine to celebrate the freedom of the Israelites.