The attorney representing the whistleblower whose account of President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine launched the impeachment inquiry, said his client would be willing to answer written questions from Republican lawmakers. Mark Zaid wrote on Twitter that he has offered GOP members a “direct opportunity to ask written questions of the whistleblower.” The offer appears to be in response to a calculated plan from the conservative lawmakers to expose the whistleblower’s identity. Zaid addressed that effort, writing that the GOP has “sought to expose our client’s identity which could jeopardize their safety, as well as that of their family.” A GOP source close to the impeachment process told The Daily Beast that the lawmakers are unlikely to accept Zaid’s offer. “I don’t think we will settle for scripted interrogatories,” the source said. “We need a full accounting of his actions and how this was orchestrated.”
1/Our legal team offered GOP direct opportunity to ask written questions of #whistleblower.
Recent GOP messaging, led by President Trump (incl this morning), has been to highlight original #WBer & demand disclosure of identity.