Inexperienced Staff Wake Kids Up With Bullhorns at Migrant Facility: Whistleblowers
Servpro, a DHS contractor that managed the facility, viewed their job as “crowd control” rather than childcare, according to two federal workers who filed a complaint.
Unaccompanied minors housed in a shelter set up by the Biden administration were left under the care of contractors who had no experience in childcare and could not speak Spanish, according to a whistleblower complaint filed to Congress. The complaint was filed by two federal workers at a Fort Bliss, Texas, facility who alleged that Servpro, a contractor for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, made no attempts to initiate interactions and watched children passively. Workers alleged that contractors saw their role as preventing children from being rowdy rather than providing childcare. Loud music and bullhorns were used to wake children, NBC News reports. The Fort Bliss facility housed as many as 1,500 children at the time of the alleged mistreatment. Servpro has not responded to the allegations.