White House Fence Jumper Strikes Again—at Treasury
At Treasury Building this time.
Carlos Barria/Reuters
The Secret Service said a woman arrested last week after getting caught by her shoelaces while trying to jump the White House fence has been arrested again for trying to scale another Washington perimeter. This marks the woman’s third arrest, Secret Service spokesman Shawn Holtzclaw said. She was first arrested March 21, after the White House incident, and then again days later after violating an order to stay away from the area. She was picked up again at about 2:15 a.m. Sunday after setting off an alarm while scaling a fence at the Treasury Building, next to the White House, officials said. She was carrying only a backpack and a sleeping bag when she was arrested, Holtzclaw said. She now faces a second charge of unlawful entry, in addition to contempt of court for ignoring an order to stay away from the area. The Secret Service did not identify the woman, but the Associated Press, citing court documents, named her as 38-year-old Marci Anderson Wahl.