
Why Did Susan Boyle Lose?


Brit lost her sweetheart reputation.


How could a little-known dance troupe beat out YouTube sensation and international sweetheart Susan Boyle? One theory is the Brit was losing her sweet, maiden aunt vibe. Boyle reportedly “blew up” after judge Piers Morgan called her 12-year-old rival the best singer in the semifinals, and later had an altercation with two tabloid photographers that had to be broken up by police. A contestant, Fred Bowers, said she was alienating: “We realized she can be really aggressive. One minute she’s laughing and then she turns.” Other theories: she shouldn’t have sung “I Dreamed a Dream” over again, and rebellious voters might have been turned off by judges proclaiming her the early winner. Either way, the bookies are happy: they raked in big-time profits from the unexpected win of young dance troupe Diversity.

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