The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur can’t stand Republicans and can’t stand Democrats. So who can he possibly see as a viable progressive presidential option for 2024? asks host Andy Levy in this episode of The New Abnormal podcast.
Uygur’s top pick: Jon Stewart.
“The problem with the Democratic Party is that they suck. They’re terrible at running elections. They keep losing to monstrous Republicans, and the Republicans aren’t that bright,” Uygur very passionately tells Andy. “Jon Stewart, it’s not impossible, right? He’s a comedian. [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky, he’s a comedian. Donald Trump is a literal clown. And Stewart is super-smart. I think he’s progressive, I’m not positive, which is good news, right? ’Cause then he’ll have quote-unquote credibility in mainstream media.”
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“I’m not entirely sure that Stewart fits the progressive mold,” Andy pushes back. “Most of the lefties I know are not huge fans of his, not that they set the tone for the party, but I feel like in a lot of ways Stewart is thought of more as a ‘not quite an establishment’ liberal, but closer to that than to the progressive wing.”
That’s something that Uygur is OK with and explains why, in addition to the missed opportunity President Joe Biden had to “proverbially punch” Elon Musk.
Then Vox senior politics correspondent Andrew Prokop shares everything we need to know about far-right political blogger Curtis Yarvin, who not only wants to replace American democracy with a monarchy but also has ideas on how to make Jan. 6 better “next time.”
But not before Andy and guest co-host Daily Beast opinion editor Anthony Fisher review the biggest political news of the week: the attack on Paul Pelosi and Don Jr.’s “gross” response to it.
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