
Why SCOTUS’ Delay on Trump Immunity Call May Spell Trouble


The New Abnormal hosts fear that the Supreme Court’s sluggishness in making a decision about whether Donald Trump enjoys presidential immunity may be a bad sign.

Monopoly get out of jail card with Donald Trump
Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast

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The Supreme Court has taken more than 100 days to assess whether Donald Trump has presidential immunity, a factor which The New Abnormal hosts fear may not be a good sign.

“What bothers me is for something that should have been such a slam dunk 9-0 decision—why are they taking so long? And that makes me nervous and obviously I have no facts to back this up, this is just speculation, but it makes me wonder if they’re having trouble cobbling together a majority,” said The New Abnormal host Andy Levy.

“That makes me really nervous because it shouldn’t be anywhere near that point,” Levy continued. “It shouldn’t be any kind of tough decision at all. And if there are four or five or however many justices looking for an excuse to grant presidents this sort of eternal immunity, that is terrifying. I cannot think of another reason why this hasn’t been issued yet.”

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“The most frustrating thing to me about this is the fact that Donald Trump’s attorneys walked into the Supreme Court—I know that this sounds like the beginning of a joke, it is, but it’s not funny—and said basically that if Donald Trump as president decided that he wanted to get SEAL Team 6 to go ahead and kill his political opponent he could do that and unless he was found to be impeached by the House and by the Senate, then he’s not liable for the crimes that he commits. It shouldn’t have taken hours of deliberation to make a decision here,” Moodie said.

“It’s a case that never should have been heard at all. It should have just been dismissed out of hand and they could have just simply written ‘No’ and that would’ve been the end of that. Or ‘No, this is stupid. Stop bothering us with this crap,’” Levy said.

Plus! CNN commentator S.E. Cupp talks to The New Abnormal about her new show on Fox TV called Battleground and why pundits need to stop coming up with crazy ideas for changing the Democratic ticket.

MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner also joins the podcast to talk about all the Trumpworld co-stars currently in jail or on trial.

Listen to this full episode of The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon and Stitcher.

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