Mark Zuckerberg has rejected an invite from the British Parliament to appear before lawmakers to answer questions over the data-handling scandal that has engulfed Facebook and sent its share price plummeting. The billionaire was summoned to appear before a committee to explain the data harvesting by Cambridge Analytica, but a letter to members of parliament on Tuesday delivered the news that Zuckerberg himself won’t be attending. The letter from Facebook U.K.’s head of public policy told lawmakers that Zuckerberg has requested that one of his deputies appears before the committee in his place, suggesting Chief Technology Officer Mike Shroepfer or Chief Product Officer Chris Cox, and listed what the company is doing to make sure the Cambridge Analytica scandal is never repeated. The spokesperson wrote: “Facebook fully recognizes the level of public and Parliamentary interest in these issues and support your belief that these issues must be addressed at the most senior levels of the company by those in an authoritative position to answer your questions. As such, Mr. Zuckerberg has personally asked one of his deputies to make themselves available to give evidence in person to the committee.”
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Zuckerberg Snubs U.K. Lawmakers' Invite to Explain Data Scandal
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Sends deputy in his place.
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