Andrea J. Prasow, senior counsel in Human Rights Watch's Terrorism and Counterterrorism Program, investigates and analyzes U.S. counterterrorism policies and practices. She also leads advocacy efforts urging executive and legislative branch officials in Washington to implement counterterrorism policies that respect internationally recognized rights. She earlier served as defense attorney with the Office of Military Commissions and assistant counsel for Salim Hamdan in the only contested military commission trial to date.

How Illegal Interrogations Hurt the U.S.
Some are arguing that intel obtained from detainees under torture led us to bin Laden. But Andrea Prasow says that had we stuck to lawful tactics, we might have found him even sooner.

The Child Soldier on Trial at Guantanamo
The fifth trial ever to be prosecuted at Guantanamo is that of Omar Khadr, detained in Afghanistan at 15. Andrea J. Prasow on being detained for eight years without trial is now being used against him.