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Christopher Buckley's books include Supreme Courtship, The White House Mess, Thank You for Smoking, Little Green Men, and Florence of Arabia. He was chief speechwriter for Vice President George H.W. Bush, and is editor-at-large of ForbesLife magazine. His new book is Losing Mum and Pup, a memoir. Buckley's Daily Beast column is the winner of an Online Journalism Award in the category of Online Commentary.


Behold Jeb’s Mythical Chinese Warrior


Christopher Buckley, writing in the voice of America’s next Bush, tells you about the dynasty’s great defender.

Christopher Buckley | Published Aug 30, 2015

Let the Democrats Win

Instead of telling Americans who lost their shirts in the financial crisis why Wall Street shouldn’t be regulated, why not allow the Democrats to pass the bill and own the victory—and its consequences?

Christopher Buckley | Published Apr 14, 2010

The Frum Flap

It was a grand mistake to fire David Frum. Dad would agree.

Christopher Buckley | Published Mar 27, 2010

The Right Stifles Debate

Now, the GOP is grousing that Obama has appointed former Sen. Alan Simpson—a Republican!—to a blue-ribbon deficit-reduction panel because he’s too “moderate.” Christopher Buckley on the latest Washington circus.

Christopher Buckley | Published Mar 19, 2010

Scrap the Health-Care Bill!

In a revelatory Q & A, Christopher Buckley explains that health insurance is well and good, but driving the country into bankruptcy isn’t going to help anyone in the long run—and why we’d all be better off if Warren Buffett were president.

Christopher Buckley | Published Mar 07, 2010

Conservatives, Fired Up

A frisky, fun keynote by Beck, an encouraging straw poll that left Palin with a happily meager 7 percent—CPAC showed that for better or worse, the GOP is fired up and ready to go.

Christopher Buckley | Published Feb 21, 2010

Quit Redefining Conservatism

As CPAC continues its right-wing celebration this weekend, The Daily Beast’s Christopher Buckley (politely) takes on his first cousin, Brent Bozell III, and the other signers of the Mount Vernon Statement, for trying to redefine conservatism by updating his father’s original manifesto—when all they’re really doing is bashing Obama.

Christopher Buckley | Published Feb 19, 2010

One Hell of a Speech

Obama didn’t deliver a speech so much as a symphony, calling for nukes and zapping the Supremes; thanks for the performance, Mr. President.

Christopher Buckley | Published Jan 27, 2010

The Audacity of Oops

Daily Beast columnist Christopher Buckley procured an early draft of President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union speech.

Christopher Buckley | Published Jan 25, 2010

Too Big to Succeed

Homeland Security, with its $42 billion budget, is a giant bureaucratic disaster. Christopher Buckley wonders who, really, is in charge.

Christopher Buckley | Published Jan 07, 2010