Nomi Prins is author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals From Washington to Wall Street (Wiley, 2009). Before becoming a journalist, she worked on Wall Street as a managing director at Goldman Sachs and running the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London.

Dimon’s Unshakable Hubris
Shareholder ValentineDespite his bank’s $2 billion loss, Jamie Dimon was reelected chairman and CEO and nabbed a $23 million pay package. Nomi Prins looks at his swagger.

Obama’s Crafty Tax Ploy
<p>The president’s plan to cut the corporate tax rate sounds good for businesses and plays well on the campaign trail—but it won’t help our economy or create new revenue. Plus, <a target="_blank" href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/02/22/the-dirty-30-are-the-top-u-s-companies-that-managed-to-pay-no-taxes.html">the top 10 corporations that abuse the tax system most</a>.</p>

The Truth About Private Equity
Skip the ‘vulture’ talk. Both parties rely on their money—drawn from public pension funds. By Nomi Prins.

Could Blankfein Face Prison?
Former Goldman managing director Nomi Prins says the bank’s CEO isn’t just worried about a wrist slap.

Rating-Agency Hypocrites
S&P’s downgrade is largely due to the moronic toxic-asset ratings of S&P.

Get Over Goldman!
A massive new history of Goldman Sachs fails to ask serious, important questions about the firm says Nomi Prins—and just continues a troubling trend of adulation.

Goldman's Shady Facebook Deal
Former Goldman Sachs managing director Nomi Prins says Goldman's $500 million Facebook deal is every bit as risky for investors as the subprime debt deals that blew up the economy.

What I Saw as a Woman at Goldman
The bank giant, hit with a gender-bias lawsuit yesterday, may not overtly discriminate against women, former Goldman exec Nomi Prins says, but the numbers tell a damning story.

When Will We Get Our Money Back?
The markets cheered as AIG touted a $35 billion dent on its taxpayer IOU. But was anyone watching when they recently borrowed billions more? Nomi Prins on a classic Wall Street shell game.

Obama's Half-Baked Bank Reform
Wall Street has already figured out how to game the president’s proposal to reform the banking system. Former Goldman executive Nomi Prins on how to stop the trickery.