Alexander Waugh is the grandson of Evelyn Waugh and the son of columnist Auberon Waugh. He has written several books, including, most recently, The House of Wittgenstein, Fathers and Sons, and God. He lives in Somerset, England, with his wife and three children.
A Vote for Peace and Quiet
Alexander Waugh, grandson of novelist Evelyn Waugh, says Britain's hung election results show voters wanted to stop incompetent politicians from pushing unnecessary laws.
Alexander Waugh | Published May 08, 2010
Evelyn Waugh's Grandson on the Secret Behind 'Brideshead'
Alexander Waugh, the novelist's grandson, reviews a new history, Mad World, about the real family that inspired Brideshead and explores why his grandfather was so obsessed with them.
Alexander Waugh | Published Apr 17, 2010